
edge of the worldでは自社製品の開発、販売、卸からだけではなく、商品開発、販売のサポートまで行っています。


edge of the world not only develops, sells, and wholesales its own products, but also provides support for product development and sales.

Product Planning

Import Sales

自社ブランド THALASSA は、ペット用品をはじめアウトドア用品、日用品まで、お客様のニーズに合わせた幅広い商品を企画しています。


Our own brand, THALASSA, plans a wide range of products to meet the needs of our customers, from pet supplies to outdoor products and daily necessities.



We import and sell a wide range of products from around the world that have not yet been released in Japan, including home appliances, interior goods, pet goods, and outdoor goods.





Not only do we sell our own products, but we also sell wholesale to retailers in order to widely promote the many products we have come across.



We provide know-how and introduce partner companies to those who are looking to start their own business or a side business.